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Something for Everyone

Second Missionary Baptist Church purposes to provide challenging and inspiring ministries that will address the needs of the total person: spirit, soul and body. We are committed to strengthening those seeking a more profound relationship with God so that we might become effective witnesses in the quest to bring souls to Jesus Christ.

Barbara Horrell speaking.JPG

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Music Ministry

Minister of Music: Rev. Myra Drummond-Lewis
Bro. John Kercius, Organist/Pianist​

Bro. Sherman Booker, Percussionist


Our mission is to proclaim the gospel message of salvation, hope and love in the worship experience as we glorify God and edify His people through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.


Psalm 146:1 Praise ye the Lord! Sing unto the Lord a new song and His praise unto the congregation of saints.


We seek to utilize our gifts and talents to usher in the presence of the Holy Spirit and prepare the hearts of the congregation to receive the word of God through all activities of the church, it's auxiliaries and the community.



Rehearsal Time: Thursdays 6:30 p.m. 

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we restructured our various singing groups (Male Chorus, Inspirational Choir, Youth Choir) into one choir, combining the voices into a group we call the Gospel Choir. This worship team sings most Sunday mornings.


God blessed us with a youth music focus through the talented family singers, "K-Voices", led by the gifted musical prodigy works of John Kercius. 


If you are interested in joining our music team, please contact Rev. Myra Drummond-Lewis at or call the church at 573-449-4703.

Kitchen Ministry

Sis. Ada & Deacon Jerome Thompson, Co-Chairs

The Kitchen Ministry, through our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, strives to glorify God by overseeing the operations of the kitchen including its use, cleanliness and maintenance. It is our desire to make every visitor, member or guest feel they are a special member of God's family.

Ushers Ministry

​​Sis. Brenda Hammond, President

As ushers at Second Missionary Baptist Church, it is our goal to meet, extend greetings with joy and enthusiasm and always a smile to the masses that enter through our doors.


Our ushers welcome members and visitors from entry to exit. They greet attendees with a smile. It is a true gift to exude the love required to fulfill the mission of an usher in God's church. Ushers are kind, attentive to the needs of our pastor and all congregant in our sanctuary. Ushers provider order during our service, creating a setting that will be comfortable for all to praise and worship God without reservation.


About joining: Please see any usher on duty and he/she will direct you to the proper person to assist you. Our ushers typically wear matching uniforms, but please, do not let this discourage you from joining. A welcoming spirit and a smile are the only requirements for joining. 

Health & Wellness

Sis. Phyliss Golden, Chairperson

Through education and prevention, we strive to be a resource for cultivating a healthy body and soul. This includes serving as liaisons between the congregations and other church and community sponsored events and health related promotions; performing in-house blood pressure and blood sugar screenings on a regular basis as well as rendering primary first aide as needed.  Our goal is to cultivate more health conscious individuals with an emphasis on the special needs of the African-American community.

Sunday School

Sis. Pamela Hardin, Superintendent

The Sunday School of Second Missionary Baptist Church presents Christian teachings based on the Holy Bible by dedicated and committed teachers. It is also a part of our Mission to educate and enhance the receivers of the word to become faith-inspired believers of the cross.​ . .more

Schedule: Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. ​

Classes: Beginners through Adults

Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Rev. Trina Boone, Youth & Young Adult Pastor/Director

​The Second Missionary Baptist Church Youth & Young Adult Ministry's Mission is to provide an environment where we are able to teach the gospel, through Christian oriented activities and programs, that develops and matures their relationship with Christ in order to prepare them to fulfill the Great Commission . . . more


College/Young Adult Bible Study: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Women's Missionary Union

Sis. Darlene Grant: President

To proclaim the good news that God loves the world. By reaching inward and outward to minister to saved and unsaved through prayer, Bible Study, fellowship, witnessing, evangelizing and helping those in need in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

The Brotherhood

Rev. Carl Lewis: Chairman

SMBC Brotherhood Ministry is designed to bring men together to work toward spiritual maturity by studying God's Word and building relationships. The Brotherhood is open to the men of SMBC and others in the community who want to understand what it means to be an authentic man of God. Our mission is to unite men through the study of God's Word so they can become a reflection of Jesus Christ in the home, church and community. We aim to build relationships that will promote Christian fellowship and person accountability. 

Fine Arts Ministry

The Fine Arts Ministry links spiritual gifts, professional training, natural skills and creative abilities together, all for the Glory of God.


Enjoy productions of our Music and Fine Arts Ministry on our Fine Arts page or go to our YouTube channel.

Technology Ministry

Sis. Carolyn Stemmons & Bro. Don Jefferson, Co-Chairs

The Technology Ministry serves to support God's word through the use of social media and technology advances. We strive to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout of church family and surrounding community. Visit our Facebook page to stay updated on church events and our YouTube Channel for recordings of past church events and Bible Study sessions.


You are encouraged to put your talents to work and consider volunteers to work in the Tech Ministry to help support our various Church ministries and social medica programs; just stop by the Tech Booth on any Sunday following Morning Worship. 

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Extension Ministries

Women of Purpose

Rev. Deloris Hill, Director

Women of Purpose International exists to reconcile and nurture relationships among people of every ethnicity, denomination and social status to identify and impart their individual and collective gifts to each other for the strengthening of the body of Christ and the prayerful pollination of those drawn by love to Jesus. 

Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

Young Women of Purpose

Rev. Wanda Epps: Director 

Our mission is to help equip our young ladies ages 8 through 21 years of age with valuable tools to live purposeful lives and make a meaningful and lasting impact in their communities and across the world as godly servant leaders.


This will be accomplished through one-on-one and group mentoring, transformational coaching, interactive sessions, real talk workships, life skills training, educational and fun-filled field trips and studying the Word of God.  

Single Moms Support Group

Sis. Marcia Collins, Director

Our mission is to reach out to single moms and their children, providing support, unconditional love, acceptance and friendship.

For His Glory

Rev. Janice Threat, Director:

FHG Facebook page

​Committed to encouraging and uplifting the mind, body and soul of youth and adults, we serve to link faith-based organizations, social service organizations and individual members of the community with programs and services designed to foster, support and inspire youth and their families. 

Balm In Gilead

Rev. Wanda Epps, Director

To share the healing work of God and support the body of Christ through Bible distribution and evangelism.

Pathway to Maturity

Rev. John Hill, Chairperson

​Pathway to Maturity exists to reconcile and nurture relationships among men of every ethnicity, denomination and social status to identify and impart their individual and collective gifts to each other for the strengthening of the body of Christ and the prayerful pollination of those drawn by the love of Jesus. It is our desire that a relationship of love, fellowship, prayer and accountability always exist between each man who is a part of Pathway to Maturity.    

Meetings: Second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.

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